KallistiOS git master
Independent SDK for the Sega Dreamcast
Attribution | KOS banner, license, and authors |
►Audio | APIs for audio, sfx, and music playback and management |
►Driver | Low-level driver for SPU and audio management |
►AICA | API defining the SH4/AICA shared interface |
Channel Commands | Command values (for aica_channel_t commands) |
Channel Start Values | Start values for AICA channels |
Channel Update Values | Update values for AICA channels |
Commands | Values of commands for aica_cmd_t |
Responses | Values of responses to aica_cmd_t commands |
Sample Types | Types of samples used by the AICA |
Sound Effects | Sound Effect Playback and Management |
Streaming | Streaming audio playback and management |
►Debugging | APIs and drivers pertaining to logging, profiling, and debugging |
Assertions | assert() management and custom handlers |
GDB | Interface for using the GNU Debugger |
►Logging | KOS's Logging API |
Log Levels | dbglog severity levels |
Options | Compile-time options for debugging KOS |
►Performance Counters | SH4 CPU Performance Counter Driver |
Timer | High-resolution performance counter-based timer API |
Performance monitor | Code performance monitor |
Stack Traces | API for managing stack backtracing |
User Break Controller | Driver for the SH4's UBC |
►Filesystem | File I/O, filesystem, and storage media APIs |
/dev/null | VFS driver for /dev/null |
Dev | VFS driver for /dev |
►Drivers | Internal filesystem and storage device drivers |
Block Devices | VFS driver for accessing block devices |
►EXT2 | KOS VFS support for the Second Extended Filesystem |
Mount Flags | Mount flags for fs_ext2 |
►FAT | FAT 12, 16, and 32-bit support for KOS's VFS |
Mount Flags | Mount flags for fs_fat |
►G1 ATA | Driver for Accessing an ATA device on the G1 Bus |
Device Definitions | ATA device definitions |
G1 ATA protection | G1 Bus and DMA protection |
►Sockets | VFS Driver for adding a BSD-sockets-like filesystem |
Flags | Flags for Socket VFS |
►Flashrom | Driver for the Dreamcast's Internal Flash Storage |
Connection Methods | Connection method types stored within flashrom |
Error Values | Error values for the flashrom_get_block() function |
ISP Config Fields | Valid field constants for the flashrom_ispcfg_t struct |
ISP Config Flags | Flags for the flashrom_ispcfg_t struct |
Language Settings | Language settings possible in the BIOS menu |
Logical Blocks | Logical blocks available in the flashrom |
Partitions | Partitions available within the flashrom |
Region Settings | Region settings possible in the system |
►GD-ROM | Driver for the Dreamcast's GD-ROM drive |
ATA Statuses | ATA statuses for GD-ROM driver |
CDDA Read Modes | Read modes for CDDA |
Command Responses | Responses from GD-ROM syscalls |
Command Status Responses | GD-ROM status responses |
Drive Disc Types | Disc types within GD-ROM drive |
Read Sector Mode | Mode to use when reading sectors |
Read Sector Part | Whether to read data or whole sector |
Read Subcode Type | Types of data to read from sector subcode |
Status Values | Status values for GD-ROM drive |
Subcode Audio Status | GETSCD syscall response codes |
Syscall Command Codes | Command codes for GD-ROM syscalsl |
TOC Access Macros | Macros used to access the TOC |
Generic | Generic, uniform access to a virtual filesystems |
PC | VFS driver for accessing a remote PC via DC-Load/Tool |
POSIX | POSIX-standard APIs for managing the filesystem |
PTY | VFS driver for accessing pseudo-TTY terminals |
Ramdisk | Filesystem driver for accessing in-ram images |
Random | VFS driver for /dev/random and /dev/urandom |
Romdisk | VFS driver for accessing romdisks binaries |
SD Card | VFS driver for accessing SD cards over the SCIF port |
VMU | VFS driver for accessing Visual Memory Unit storage |
►Math | SH4-optimized vector, matrix, and general math APIs |
General | Optimized general-purpose math utilities |
Intrinsics | Hardware Intrinsics for the SH4 fast-math instructions |
Matrices | SH4-optimized matrix and linear algebra routines |
►Networking | APIs and drivers for network and internet connectivity |
ARP | API for the Address Resolution Protocol |
►Address Database | Network Address Database Functionality |
addrinfo ai_flags | Flags for ai_flags in struct addrinfo |
getaddrinfo() Error Values | Errors for the getaddrinfo() function |
h_errno Error Values | Error values for the h_errno variable |
CRC | API for Cyclic Redundancy Checking |
►Configuration | KOS Network Configuration Management |
Methods | Network connection methods |
Sources | Network configuration sources |
►Drivers | Low-level Drivers for Network Devices |
Blocking Types | Blocking type avlues for network interfaces |
►Broadband Adapter | Driver for the Dreamcast's BBA (RTL8139C) |
RX | Receive packet API for the BBA |
►Registers | Registers and related info for the broadband adapter |
►Fields | Register fields for the broadband adapter |
Command Bits | BBA command register fields |
Interrupt Status Bits | BBA interrupt status fields |
MII Control Bits | BBA media independent interface control register fields |
MII Status Bits | BBA media independent interface status register fields |
RTL8139C Config Register 1 (RT_CONFIG1) Bits | BBA config register 1 fields |
RTL8139C Config Register 4 (RT_CONFIG4) Bits | BBA config register 4 fields |
RTL8139C Config Register 5 (RT_CONFIG5) Bits | BBA config register 5 fields |
RTL8139C RX Config Register (RT_RXCONFIG) bits | |
RTL8139C Transmit Status Bits | BBA transmit status register fields |
Receive Status Bits | BBA receive status register fields |
Locations | Locations for various broadband adapter registers |
►TX | Transmit packet API for the BBA |
Return Values | Return values for bba_tx() |
Wait Modes | Wait modes for bba_tx() |
LAN Adapter | Driver for the Dreamcast's LAN Adapter |
►Modem | Driver for the Dreamcast's built-in 56k Modem |
Modes of Operation | Operating modes for modem |
Protocol Values | Modem protocol values |
Speed Values | Modem speed values |
V.22 Modes | Modem V.22 Modes |
V.22bis Modes | Modem V.22bis Modes |
V.32 Modes | Modem V.32 Modes |
V.32bis Modes | Modem V.32 Modes |
V.8 Modes | Modem V.8 Modes |
TX Return Values | Driver return values for TX network interfaces |
netif_t Flags | Network interface flags |
►ICMP | API for the Internet Control Message Protocol |
►ICMPv4 | API for v4 of the Internet Control Message Protocol |
Unreachable Values | Valid values for net_icmp_send_dest_unreach() |
►ICMPv6 | API for v6 of the Internet Control Message Protocol |
Destination Unreachable Codes | Destination unreachable packet types |
Parameter Problem Codes | Codes for ICMPv6 parameter problem packets |
Time Exceeded Codes | Time exceeded codes for ICMPv6 |
►IP | API for the Internet Protocol |
►IPv4 | IPv4 Network Stack |
Options | Options for v4 of the Internet Protocol |
►IPv6 | IPv6 Network Stack |
Options | Options for v6 of the Internet Protocol |
Multicast | API for Managing the Multicast List |
NDP | API for the Neighbor Discovery Protocol |
►PPP | API for interacting with the Point-to-Point Protocol stack |
Automaton Phases | PPP automaton phases |
Configuration Flags | PPP link configuration flags |
►Sockets | POSIX Sockets Interface for IPv4 and IPv6 Address Families |
Message Flags | Socket message flags |
Options | Socket-level options |
►TCP | API for the Transmission Control Protocol |
Options | TCP protocol level options |
►UDP | API for the User Datagram Protocol |
UDP Options | UDP protocol level options |
UDP-Lite Options | UDP-Lite protocol level options |
Utilities | Miscellaneous networking utilities |
►Peripherals | Controllers, memory cards, and other accessories |
Camera | Maple driver for the DreamEye peripheral |
►Controller | Controller Maple Device API |
►Querying Capabilities | API used to query for a controller's capabilities |
Capabilities | Bit masks used to identify controller capabilities |
Capability Groups | Bit masks representing common groups of capabilities |
►Querying Inputs | API used to query for input state |
Inputs | Collection of all status masks for checking input |
►Querying Types | API for determining controller types |
Types | Preconfigured capabilities for standard controllers |
►Keyboard | Driver for the Dreamcast's Keyboard Input Device |
Key States | States each key can be in |
Keys | Values representing the various keyboard keys |
LEDs | Values for the different keyboard LEDs |
Modifier Keys | Masks for the various keyboard modifier keys |
Region Codes | Region codes for the Dreamcast keyboard |
Lightgun | Maple driver for the lightgun accessory |
►Maple Bus | Driver for the Dreamcast's Maple Peripheral Bus |
Commands and Responses | Maple command and response values |
Frame States | States for a maple frame |
Function Codes | Values of maple "function" codes |
Register Values | Values for various maple registers |
Registers | Addresses for various maple registers |
Return Values | Return codes from maple access functions |
Microphone | Maple driver for microphone input devices |
►Mouse | Driver for the Dreamcast's Mouse Input Device |
Buttons | Masks for the buttons on a mouse |
Rumble Pack | Maple driver for vibration pack peripherals |
►Visual Memory Unit | VMU/VMS Maple Peripheral API |
►Clock Function | API for features of the Clock Maple Function |
VMU Buttons | VMU button masks |
Framebuffer | This API provides a virtual framebuffer abstraction for the VMU with a series of convenient methods for drawing complex and dynamic content |
►Header Package | API for Managing VMU File Headers |
Eyecatch Types | Values for various VMU eyecatch formats |
LCD Function | API for features of the LCD Maple Function |
Memory Card Function | API for features of the Memory Card Maple Function |
Settings | Customizable configuration data |
►System | Miscellaneous DC architecture and system-related APIs |
►Address Space | Basics of the SH4 Memory Map |
►P4 memory region | P4 SH-internal memory region (non-cacheable) |
►Control Registers | Addresses of control registers within the P4 area |
MMU | MMU Control Registers |
UBC | UBC Control Registers |
Allocator | Dynamic memory heap management and allocation |
►Architecture | Dreamcast Architecture-Specific Options and high-level API |
Byte Order | Byte-order management for the SH4 architecture |
Console Types | Byte values returned by hardware_sys_mode() |
Exit Paths | Potential exit paths from the kernel on arch_exit() |
Memory Capacity | Console memory sizes |
Region Codes | Values returned by hardware_sys_mode(); |
Cache | Driver and API for managing the SH4's cache |
DMA | Driver for the SH4's Direct Memory Access Controller |
DMA Controller API | API to use the SH4's DMA Controller |
►Events | Events pertaining to the DC's System ASIC |
►Event Codes | Values for various Holly event codes |
AICA | Event code values for AICA events |
External Port | Event code values for external port events |
G2 Bus DMA | Event code values for G2 Bus events |
GD-ROM Drive | Event code values for GD-ROM events |
Maple | Event code values for Maple events |
PowerVR | Event code values for PowerVR events |
IRQ Levels | values for the various ASIC event IRQ levels |
Registers | Addresses for various ASIC eveng registers |
FIFO | API for checking FIFO statuses |
G2 Bus | Driver for accessing the devices on the G2 Bus |
►Initialization | KOS Driver Subsystem and Component Initialization Flags |
Dreamcast-Specific Flags | Dreamcast-specific initialization flags |
Generic Flags | Generic flags for use with KOS_INIT_FLAGS() |
►Interrupts | IRQs and ISRs for the SH4's CPU |
Context | Thread execution state and accessors |
Control Flow | Methods for managing control flow within an irq_handler |
Exception type offsets | Offsets within exception types |
►Handlers | API for managing IRQ handlers |
Global | API for managing global IRQ handler |
Individual | API for managing individual IRQ handlers |
Mask | Accessors and modifiers of the IMASK state |
State | Methods for querying active IRQ information |
►Libraries | API for managing dynamically loaded libraries |
►ELF File Format | API for loading and managing ELF files |
Architecture Types | Relevant ELF architecture type codes |
Relocation Types | ELF relocation type values |
Section Header Flags | ELF section header flags |
Section Header Types | ELF section header type values |
Special Section Indices | ELF section indices |
Symbol Binding Types | ELF symbol binding type values |
Symbol Types | ELF symbol type values |
►MMU | Driver for the SH4's MMU (disabled by default) |
Cacheability Settings | SH4 MMU page cachability settings values |
Page size settings | SH4 MMU page sizes |
Protection Settings | SH4 MMU page protection settings values |
Macros | Various common macros used throughout the codebase |
►Name Manager | Abstract Module System for KOS's VFS |
Handler Types | Name handler types |
Overlays | API for loading and executing overlays |
POSIX | POSIX-standard system-level APIs |
SCIF | Driver for managing the serial port |
Store Queues | SH4 CPU Peripheral for burst memory transactions |
System Calls | API for the Dreamcast's system calls |
►Traps | API for managing TRAPA events and handlers |
Handlers | API for managing TRAPA handlers |
Types | Standard types and their utilities |
VBlank | VBlank interrupt handler management |
►Threading | Threading and Concurrency |
C11 | C11 Threading APIs |
Kernel | KOS Native Kernel Threading API |
►POSIX | POSIX threading and concurrency APIs |
►Polling | Implementation of POSIX polling |
Events for the poll() function | Masks representing event types for poll() |
►Timing | APIs and drivers pertaining to date and time |
Real-Time Clock | Real-Time Clock (RTC) Management |
►Timer Unit | SH4 CPU peripheral providing timers and counters |
Channels | TMU channel constants |
Direct-Access | Low-level timer driver |
Primary Timer | Primary timer used by the kernel |
Sleeping | Low-level thread sleeping |
Uptime | Maintaining time since system boot |
Watchdog Timer | Driver for using the WDT as a reset or interval timer |
►Versioning | KOS version information and utility API |
►Compile-Time | API providing compile-time KOS version and utilties |
Checks | Compile-time checks against KOS's current version |
Current | Current compile-time version of KOS |
►Run-Time | API providing run-time KOS version and utilties |
Checks | Run-time checks against KOS's current version |
Current | Current run-time version of KOS |
Utilities | Utilities for creating version info and checks |
►Video | Graphics, rendering, and video APIs |
►Display | Display and framebuffer configuration |
Framebuffer | API for framebuffer management |
►Modes | Video display modes and management |
►Cables | Cable/connector types and management for display |
Types | Type of cable connected to the DC |
Flags | vid_mode_t Field Flags |
Pixel Modes | Pixel mode settings for the framebuffer |
Types | Display mode type values |
►Fonts | Font rendering and management |
►BIOS | API for the Dreamcast's built-in BIOS font |
Dimensions | Sizes for of the BIOS font's dimensions |
►Structure | Structure of the Bios Font |
Dreamcast-Specific | Dreamcast-specific BIOS icon offsets |
Mini | Extra mini-font provided for Dreamcast and NAOMI |
►Images | Platform-independent image representation |
►Format | Video image formats |
Accessors | Macros for accessing kos_image_t::fmt |
Types | Video image format types |
Initialization | Initialization and shutdown of the video subsystem |
Miscellaneous | Miscellaneous video API utilities |
►PowerVR API | Low-level PowerVR GPU Driver |
DMA | PowerVR DMA driver |
►Geometry | PVR API for managing scene geometry |
►Primitives | Polygon and sprite management |
►Contexts | User-friendly intermittent primitive representation |
►Attributes | PVR primitive context attributes |
►Blending | Blending attributes for PVR primitive contexts |
Alpha Toggle | Enable or Disable Alpha Blending |
Blending Modes | Blending modes for PowerVR primitive contexts |
Blending Toggle | Enable or Disable Blending |
Clipping Modes | PowerVR primitive context clipping modes |
►Color | Color attributes for PowerVR primitive contexts |
Clamping Toggle | Enable or Disable Color Clamping |
Offset Toggle | Enable or Disable Offset Color |
Vertex Formats | Color formats for PowerVR vertices |
Culling Modes | PowerVR primitive context culling modes |
►Depth | Depth attributes for PVR polygon contexts |
Comparison Modes | PowerVR depth comparison modes |
Write Toggle | Enable or Disable Depth Writes |
Fog Modes | PowerVR primitive context fog modes |
►Modifier Volumes | PowerVR modifier volume polygon context attributes |
Modes | Modifier volume modes for PowerVR primitive contexts |
Toggle | Enable or Disable Modifier Effects |
Types | Modifier volume types for PowerVR primitive contexts |
Shading Modes | PowerVR primitive context shading modes |
►Texture | Texture attributes for PVR polygon contexts |
Alpha Toggle | Enable or Disable Texture Alpha Blending |
Color Calculation Modes | PowerVR texture color calculation modes |
Mipmap Bias Modes | Mipmap bias modes for PowerVR primitive contexts |
Mipmap Toggle | Enable or Disable Mipmap Processing |
Sampling Modes | PowerVR texture sampling modes |
Toggle | Enable or Disable Texturing on Polygons |
U/V Clamp Mode | Enable or disable clamping of U/V on the PVR |
U/V Data Format | U/V data format for PVR textures |
U/V Flip Mode | Enable or disable U/V flipping on the PVR |
Compilation | API for compiling primitive contexts into headers |
Initialization | Functions for initializing PVR polygon contexts |
►Headers | Compiled headers for polygons and sprites |
Constants and Masks | Polygon header constants and masks |
TA Command Values | Command values for submitting data to the TA |
Vertices | PowerVR vertex types |
►Global State | PowerVR functionality which is managed globally |
Fog | Hardware Fog API for the PowerVR |
Palettes | Color palette management API of the PowerVR |
►Initialization | Driver initialization and shutdown |
Primitive Bin Sizes | Available sizes for primitive bins |
►Polygon Lists | Types pertaining to PVR list types: opaque, pt, tr, etc |
Types | Values of various PVR polygon list types |
Profiling | Rendering stats and metrics for profiling |
►Registers | Direct PVR register and memory access |
Addresses and Constants | Miscellaneous Addresses and Constants |
Init/Start Values | Values to be written to registers to conform or start operations |
Offsets | PowerVR register offsets |
Reset Values | Values used to reset parts of the PVR |
►Scene Submission | PowerVR API for submitting scene geometry |
Direct Rendering | API for using direct rendering with the PVR |
Polygon Lists | PVR API for managing list submission |
Vertex DMA | Use the DMA to transfer inactive lists to the PVR |
►Texturing | API for managing PowerVR textures |
Flags | Texture loading constants |
Formats | PowerVR texture formats |
►VRAM | Video memory access and management |
Allocator | Memory management API for VRAM |