KallistiOS git master
Independent SDK for the Sega Dreamcast
No Matches
Here is a list of all topics with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345678]
 AttributionKOS banner, license, and authors
 AudioAPIs for audio, sfx, and music playback and management
 DebuggingAPIs and drivers pertaining to logging, profiling, and debugging
 FilesystemFile I/O, filesystem, and storage media APIs
 MathSH4-optimized vector, matrix, and general math APIs
 NetworkingAPIs and drivers for network and internet connectivity
 PeripheralsControllers, memory cards, and other accessories
 SystemMiscellaneous DC architecture and system-related APIs
 ThreadingThreading and Concurrency
 TimingAPIs and drivers pertaining to date and time
 VideoGraphics, rendering, and video APIs