KallistiOS git master
Independent SDK for the Sega Dreamcast
No Matches

Miscellaneous DC architecture and system-related APIs More...


 Address Space
 Basics of the SH4 Memory Map
 Dynamic memory heap management and allocation
 Dreamcast Architecture-Specific Options and high-level API
 Driver and API for managing the SH4's cache
 Driver for the SH4's Direct Memory Access Controller
 DMA Controller API
 API to use the SH4's DMA Controller
 Events pertaining to the DC's System ASIC
 API for checking FIFO statuses
 G2 Bus
 Driver for accessing the devices on the G2 Bus
 KOS Driver Subsystem and Component Initialization Flags
 IRQs and ISRs for the SH4's CPU
 API for managing dynamically loaded libraries
 Driver for the SH4's MMU (disabled by default).
 Various common macros used throughout the codebase
 Name Manager
 Abstract Module System for KOS's VFS
 API for loading and executing overlays
 POSIX-standard system-level APIs
 Driver for managing the serial port
 Store Queues
 SH4 CPU Peripheral for burst memory transactions.
 System Calls
 API for the Dreamcast's system calls
 API for managing TRAPA events and handlers.
 Standard types and their utilities
 VBlank interrupt handler management

Detailed Description

Miscellaneous DC architecture and system-related APIs