KallistiOS git master
Independent SDK for the Sega Dreamcast
No Matches

Controller Maple Device API. More...


 Querying Capabilities
 API used to query for a controller's capabilities.
 Querying Inputs
 API used to query for input state.
 Querying Types
 API for determining controller types.


file  controller.h
 Definitions for using the controller device.

Detailed Description

Controller Maple Device API.

This module contains the public API for the controller maple driver.

A standard, first-party Dreamcast controller has the following button configuration:

                       / |  __  |  \
  L trigger ------|   /  | |  | |   \  |----- R trigger
                 _|__/   | |__| |    \_|__
                |  _      \____/          |
   Joystick ----|-/ \               (Y)   |
                | \_/            (X)   (B)|
                |    _              (A)   |
                |  _| |_                  |
      D-Pad ----|-|_   _|                 |
                |   |_|     /\            |
                 \         /__\          /
                  \    _____|_______    /
                   \  /     |       \  /
                    \/      |        \/
                       Start button

You can grab a pointer to a connected controller by using the following:

 maple_device_t *device = maple_enum_type(N, MAPLE_FUNC_CONTROLLER);

 if(device) printf("Controller found!\n");
 else printf("Controller not found!\n");

where N is the controller number. 0 would be the first controller found, which may not necessarily be on port A.