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Independent SDK for the Sega Dreamcast
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pvr.h File Reference

Low-level PVR (3D hardware) interface. More...

#include <sys/cdefs.h>
#include <stdalign.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <arch/memory.h>
#include <arch/types.h>
#include <arch/cache.h>
#include <dc/sq.h>
#include <kos/img.h>
#include <kos/regfield.h>
#include "pvr/pvr_mem.h"
#include "pvr/pvr_regs.h"
#include "pvr/pvr_misc.h"
#include "pvr/pvr_dma.h"
#include "pvr/pvr_fog.h"
#include "pvr/pvr_pal.h"
#include "pvr/pvr_txr.h"

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  pvr_poly_cxt_t
 PVR polygon context. More...
struct  pvr_sprite_cxt_t
 PVR sprite context. More...
struct  pvr_poly_hdr_t
 PVR polygon header. More...
struct  pvr_poly_ic_hdr_t
 PVR polygon header with intensity color. More...
struct  pvr_poly_mod_hdr_t
 PVR polygon header to be used with modifier volumes. More...
struct  pvr_sprite_hdr_t
 PVR polygon header specifically for sprites. More...
struct  pvr_mod_hdr_t
 Modifier volume header. More...
struct  pvr_vertex_t
 Generic PVR vertex type. More...
struct  pvr_vertex_pcm_t
 PVR vertex type: Non-textured, packed color, affected by modifier volume. More...
struct  pvr_vertex_tpcm_t
 PVR vertex type: Textured, packed color, affected by modifier volume. More...
struct  pvr_sprite_txr_t
 PVR vertex type: Textured sprite. More...
struct  pvr_sprite_col_t
 PVR vertex type: Untextured sprite. More...
struct  pvr_modifier_vol_t
 PVR vertex type: Modifier volume. More...
struct  pvr_init_params_t
 PVR initialization structure. More...


#define PVR_LIST_OP_POLY   0
 Opaque polygon list.
#define PVR_LIST_OP_MOD   1
 Opaque modifier list.
#define PVR_LIST_TR_POLY   2
 Translucent polygon list.
#define PVR_LIST_TR_MOD   3
 Translucent modifier list.
#define PVR_LIST_PT_POLY   4
 Punch-thru polygon list.
#define PVR_SHADE_FLAT   0
 Use flat shading.
 Use Gouraud shading.
 Never pass.
 Less than.
 Equal to.
 Less than or equal to.
 Greater than.
 Not equal to.
 Greater than or equal to.
 Always pass.
#define PVR_CULLING_NONE   0
 Disable culling.
 Cull if small.
#define PVR_CULLING_CCW   2
 Cull if counterclockwise.
#define PVR_CULLING_CW   3
 Cull if clockwise.
 Update the Z value.
 Do not update the Z value.
 Disable texturing.
 Enable texturing.
#define PVR_BLEND_ZERO   0
 None of this color.
#define PVR_BLEND_ONE   1
 All of this color.
 Destination color.
 Inverse of destination color.
 Blend with source alpha.
 Blend with inverse source alpha.
 Blend with destination alpha.
 Blend with inverse destination alpha.
 Disable blending.
#define PVR_BLEND_ENABLE   1
 Enable blending.
#define PVR_FOG_TABLE   0
 Table fog.
#define PVR_FOG_VERTEX   1
 Vertex fog.
#define PVR_FOG_DISABLE   2
 Disable fog.
#define PVR_FOG_TABLE2   3
 Table fog mode 2.
 Disable clipping.
 Enable clipping inside area.
 Enable clipping outside area.
 Disable color clamping.
 Enable color clamping.
 Disable offset colors.
 Enable offset colors.
 Disable alpha blending.
#define PVR_ALPHA_ENABLE   1
 Enable alpha blending.
 Enable alpha blending.
 Disable alpha blending.
#define PVR_UVFLIP_NONE   0
 No flipped coordinates.
#define PVR_UVFLIP_V   1
 Flip V only.
#define PVR_UVFLIP_U   2
 Flip U only.
#define PVR_UVFLIP_UV   3
 Flip U and V.
#define PVR_UVCLAMP_NONE   0
 Disable clamping.
#define PVR_UVCLAMP_V   1
 Clamp V only.
#define PVR_UVCLAMP_U   2
 Clamp U only.
#define PVR_UVCLAMP_UV   3
 Clamp U and V.
#define PVR_FILTER_NONE   0
 No filtering (point sample)
 No filtering (point sample)
 Bilinear interpolation.
 Trilinear interpolation pass 1.
 Trilinear interpolation pass 2.
#define PVR_MIPBIAS_NORMAL   PVR_MIPBIAS_1_00 /* txr_mipmap_bias */
#define PVR_MIPBIAS_0_25   1
#define PVR_MIPBIAS_0_50   2
#define PVR_MIPBIAS_0_75   3
#define PVR_MIPBIAS_1_00   4
#define PVR_MIPBIAS_1_25   5
#define PVR_MIPBIAS_1_50   6
#define PVR_MIPBIAS_1_75   7
#define PVR_MIPBIAS_2_00   8
#define PVR_MIPBIAS_2_25   9
#define PVR_MIPBIAS_2_50   10
#define PVR_MIPBIAS_2_75   11
#define PVR_MIPBIAS_3_00   12
#define PVR_MIPBIAS_3_25   13
#define PVR_MIPBIAS_3_50   14
#define PVR_MIPBIAS_3_75   15
 C = Ct, A = At.
 C = Cs * Ct, A = At.
#define PVR_TXRENV_DECAL   2
 C = (Cs * At) + (Cs * (1-At)), A = As.
 C = Cs * Ct, A = As * At.
 Disable mipmap processing.
 Enable mipmap processing.
#define PVR_TXRFMT_NONE   0
 No texture.
#define PVR_TXRFMT_VQ_DISABLE   (0 << 30)
 Not VQ encoded.
#define PVR_TXRFMT_VQ_ENABLE   (1 << 30)
 VQ encoded.
#define PVR_TXRFMT_ARGB1555   (0 << 27)
 16-bit ARGB1555
#define PVR_TXRFMT_RGB565   (1 << 27)
 16-bit RGB565
#define PVR_TXRFMT_ARGB4444   (2 << 27)
 16-bit ARGB4444
#define PVR_TXRFMT_YUV422   (3 << 27)
 YUV422 format.
#define PVR_TXRFMT_BUMP   (4 << 27)
 Bumpmap format.
#define PVR_TXRFMT_PAL4BPP   (5 << 27)
 4BPP paletted format
#define PVR_TXRFMT_PAL8BPP   (6 << 27)
 8BPP paletted format
#define PVR_TXRFMT_TWIDDLED   (0 << 26)
 Texture is twiddled.
#define PVR_TXRFMT_NONTWIDDLED   (1 << 26)
 Texture is not twiddled.
#define PVR_TXRFMT_NOSTRIDE   (0 << 21)
 Texture is not strided.
#define PVR_TXRFMT_STRIDE   (1 << 21)
 Texture is strided.
#define PVR_TXRFMT_8BPP_PAL(x)
 8BPP palette selector
#define PVR_TXRFMT_4BPP_PAL(x)
 4BPP palette selector
 32-bit integer ARGB
#define PVR_CLRFMT_4FLOATS   1
 4 floating point values
 Intensity color.
 Use last intensity.
#define PVR_UVFMT_32BIT   0
 32-bit floating point U/V
#define PVR_UVFMT_16BIT   1
 16-bit floating point U/V
 Disable modifier effects.
 Enable modifier effects.
 Not the last polygon in the volume.
 Last polygon, inclusion volume.
 Last polygon, exclusion volume.
#define PVR_CMD_POLYHDR   0x80840000
 PVR polygon header.
#define PVR_CMD_VERTEX   0xe0000000
 PVR vertex data.
#define PVR_CMD_VERTEX_EOL   0xf0000000
 PVR vertex, end of strip.
#define PVR_CMD_USERCLIP   0x20000000
 PVR user clipping area.
#define PVR_CMD_MODIFIER   0x80000000
 PVR modifier volume.
#define PVR_CMD_SPRITE   0xA0000000
 PVR sprite header.
#define PVR_TA_CMD_TYPE   GENMASK(26, 24)
#define PVR_TA_CMD_SHADE   BIT(1)
#define PVR_TA_CMD_UVFMT   BIT(0)
#define PVR_TA_PM1_DEPTHCMP   GENMASK(31, 29)
#define PVR_TA_PM1_CULLING   GENMASK(28, 27)
#define PVR_TA_PM1_TXRENABLE   BIT(25)
#define PVR_TA_PM2_SRCBLEND   GENMASK(31, 29)
#define PVR_TA_PM2_DSTBLEND   GENMASK(28, 26)
#define PVR_TA_PM2_SRCENABLE   BIT(25)
#define PVR_TA_PM2_DSTENABLE   BIT(24)
#define PVR_TA_PM2_FOG   GENMASK(23, 22)
#define PVR_TA_PM2_CLAMP   BIT(21)
#define PVR_TA_PM2_ALPHA   BIT(20)
#define PVR_TA_PM2_TXRALPHA   BIT(19)
#define PVR_TA_PM2_UVFLIP   GENMASK(18, 17)
#define PVR_TA_PM2_UVCLAMP   GENMASK(16, 15)
#define PVR_TA_PM2_FILTER   GENMASK(14, 12)
#define PVR_TA_PM2_MIPBIAS   GENMASK(11, 8)
#define PVR_TA_PM2_TXRENV   GENMASK(7, 6)
#define PVR_TA_PM2_USIZE   GENMASK(5, 3)
#define PVR_TA_PM2_VSIZE   GENMASK(2, 0)
#define PVR_TA_PM3_MIPMAP   BIT(31)
#define PVR_TA_PM3_TXRFMT   GENMASK(30, 21)
#define PVR_BINSIZE_0   0
 0-length (disables the list)
#define PVR_BINSIZE_8   8
 8-word (32-byte) length
#define PVR_BINSIZE_16   16
 16-word (64-byte) length
#define PVR_BINSIZE_32   32
 32-word (128-byte) length
#define pvr_dr_target(vtx_buf_ptr)
 Obtain the target address for Direct Rendering.
#define pvr_dr_commit(addr)
 Commit a primitive written into the Direct Rendering target address.


typedef uint32_t pvr_list_t
 PVR list specification.
typedef uint32_t pvr_dr_state_t
 Direct Rendering state variable type.


int pvr_init (const pvr_init_params_t *params)
 Initialize the PVR chip to ready status.
int pvr_init_defaults (void)
 Simple PVR initialization.
int pvr_shutdown (void)
 Shut down the PVR chip from ready status.
int pvr_vertex_dma_enabled (void)
 Is vertex DMA enabled?
void * pvr_set_vertbuf (pvr_list_t list, void *buffer, size_t len)
 Setup a vertex buffer for one of the list types.
void * pvr_vertbuf_tail (pvr_list_t list)
 Retrieve a pointer to the current output location in the DMA buffer for the requested list.
void pvr_vertbuf_written (pvr_list_t list, size_t amt)
 Notify the PVR system that data have been written into the output buffer for the given list.
void pvr_scene_begin (void)
 Begin collecting data for a frame of 3D output to the off-screen frame buffer.
void pvr_scene_begin_txr (pvr_ptr_t txr, uint32_t *rx, uint32_t *ry)
 Begin collecting data for a frame of 3D output to the specified texture.
int pvr_list_begin (pvr_list_t list)
 Begin collecting data for the given list type.
int pvr_list_finish (void)
 End collecting data for the current list type.
int pvr_prim (const void *data, size_t size)
 Submit a primitive of the current list type.
void pvr_dr_init (pvr_dr_state_t *vtx_buf_ptr)
 Initialize a state variable for Direct Rendering.
void pvr_dr_finish (void)
 Finish work with Direct Rendering.
void pvr_send_to_ta (void *data)
 Upload a 32-byte payload to the Tile Accelerator.
int pvr_list_prim (pvr_list_t list, const void *data, size_t size)
 Submit a primitive of the given list type.
int pvr_list_flush (pvr_list_t list)
 Flush the buffered data of the given list type to the TA.
int pvr_scene_finish (void)
 Call this after you have finished submitting all data for a frame.
int pvr_wait_ready (void)
 Block the caller until the PVR system is ready for another frame to be submitted.
int pvr_check_ready (void)
 Check if the PVR system is ready for another frame to be submitted.
int pvr_wait_render_done (void)
 Block the caller until the PVR has finished rendering the previous frame.
void pvr_poly_compile (pvr_poly_hdr_t *dst, const pvr_poly_cxt_t *src)
 Compile a polygon context into a polygon header.
void pvr_poly_cxt_col (pvr_poly_cxt_t *dst, pvr_list_t list)
 Fill in a polygon context for non-textured polygons.
void pvr_poly_cxt_txr (pvr_poly_cxt_t *dst, pvr_list_t list, int textureformat, int tw, int th, pvr_ptr_t textureaddr, int filtering)
 Fill in a polygon context for a textured polygon.
void pvr_sprite_compile (pvr_sprite_hdr_t *dst, const pvr_sprite_cxt_t *src)
 Compile a sprite context into a sprite header.
void pvr_sprite_cxt_col (pvr_sprite_cxt_t *dst, pvr_list_t list)
 Fill in a sprite context for non-textured sprites.
void pvr_sprite_cxt_txr (pvr_sprite_cxt_t *dst, pvr_list_t list, int textureformat, int tw, int th, pvr_ptr_t textureaddr, int filtering)
 Fill in a sprite context for a textured sprite.
void pvr_mod_compile (pvr_mod_hdr_t *dst, pvr_list_t list, uint32_t mode, uint32_t cull)
 Create a modifier volume header.
void pvr_poly_mod_compile (pvr_poly_mod_hdr_t *dst, const pvr_poly_cxt_t *src)
 Compile a polygon context into a polygon header that is affected by modifier volumes.
void pvr_poly_cxt_col_mod (pvr_poly_cxt_t *dst, pvr_list_t list)
 Fill in a polygon context for non-textured polygons affected by a modifier volume.
void pvr_poly_cxt_txr_mod (pvr_poly_cxt_t *dst, pvr_list_t list, int textureformat, int tw, int th, pvr_ptr_t textureaddr, int filtering, int textureformat2, int tw2, int th2, pvr_ptr_t textureaddr2, int filtering2)
 Fill in a polygon context for a textured polygon affected by modifier volumes.
pvr_ptr_t pvr_get_front_buffer (void)
 Get a pointer to the front buffer.

Detailed Description

Low-level PVR (3D hardware) interface.

This file provides support for using the PVR 3D hardware in the Dreamcast. Note that this does not handle any sort of perspective transformations or anything of the like. This is just a very thin wrapper around the actual hardware support.

This file is used for pretty much everything related to the PVR, from memory management to actual primitive rendering.

This API does not handle any sort of transformations (including perspective!) so for that, you should look to KGL.
Megan Potter
Roger Cattermole
Paul Boese
Brian Paul
Lawrence Sebald
Benoit Miller
Ruslan Rostovtsev