KallistiOS git master
Independent SDK for the Sega Dreamcast
No Matches
dc Directory Reference




 Dreamcast ASIC event handling support.
 BIOS font drawing functions.
 CD access to the GD-ROM drive.
 Macros to access the DMA controller registers.
 A simple dbgio interface to draw to the framebuffer.
 Macros to assess FIFO status.
 Dreamcast flashrom read/write support.
 Inline functions for the DC's special math instructions.
 Base definitions for the DC's special math instructions.
 Implementation of dcload "filesystem".
 Implementation of dcload-ip over KOS sockets.
 ISO9660 (CD-ROM) filesystem driver.
 VMU filesystem driver.
 G1 bus ATA interface.
 G2 bus memory interface.
 Maple Bus driver interface.
 Prototypes for optimized math functions written in ASM.
 Basic matrix operations.
 3D matrix operations.
 Simple font drawing functions.
 Low-level performance monitor.
 Low-level performance counter API.
 Low-level PVR (3D hardware) interface.
 Serial port functionality.
 Block-level access to an SD card attached to the SCIF port.
 Functions related to sound.
 Functions to access the SH4 Store Queues.
 Functions to access the system calls of the Dreamcast ROM.
 User Break Controller Driver.
 VBlank handler registration.
 Basic matrix operations.
 Primitive matrix, vector, and point types.
 Functions related to video output.
 VMU framebuffer.
 VMU Packaging functionality.
 Low-level VMU filesystem driver.