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pvr_regs.h File Reference

PVR Driver Registers. More...

#include <sys/cdefs.h>

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#define PVR_GET(REG)
 Retrieve a PVR register value.
 Set a PVR register value.
#define PVR_ID   0x0000
 Chip ID.
#define PVR_REVISION   0x0004
 Chip revision.
#define PVR_RESET   0x0008
 Reset pins.
#define PVR_ISP_START   0x0014
 Start the ISP/TSP.
#define PVR_UNK_0018   0x0018
#define PVR_ISP_VERTBUF_ADDR   0x0020
 Vertex buffer address for scene rendering.
#define PVR_ISP_TILEMAT_ADDR   0x002c
 Tile matrix address for scene rendering.
#define PVR_SPANSORT_CFG   0x0030
 ?? – write 0x101 for now
#define PVR_BORDER_COLOR   0x0040
 Border Color in RGB888.
#define PVR_FB_CFG_1   0x0044
 Framebuffer config 1.
#define PVR_FB_CFG_2   0x0048
 Framebuffer config 2.
#define PVR_RENDER_MODULO   0x004c
 Render modulo.
#define PVR_FB_ADDR   0x0050
 Framebuffer start address.
#define PVR_FB_IL_ADDR   0x0054
 Framebuffer odd-field start address for interlace.
#define PVR_FB_SIZE   0x005c
 Framebuffer display size.
#define PVR_RENDER_ADDR   0x0060
 Render output address.
#define PVR_RENDER_ADDR_2   0x0064
 Output for strip-buffering.
#define PVR_PCLIP_X   0x0068
 Horizontal clipping area.
#define PVR_PCLIP_Y   0x006c
 Vertical clipping area.
#define PVR_CHEAP_SHADOW   0x0074
 Cheap shadow control.
#define PVR_OBJECT_CLIP   0x0078
 Distance for polygon culling.
#define PVR_UNK_007C   0x007c
 ?? – write 0x0027df77 for now
#define PVR_UNK_0080   0x0080
 ?? – write 7 for now
#define PVR_TEXTURE_CLIP   0x0084
 Distance for texture clipping.
#define PVR_BGPLANE_Z   0x0088
 Distance for background plane.
#define PVR_BGPLANE_CFG   0x008c
 Background plane config.
#define PVR_UNK_0098   0x0098
 ?? – write 0x00800408 for now
#define PVR_UNK_00A0   0x00a0
 ?? – write 0x20 for now
#define PVR_UNK_00A8   0x00a8
 ?? – write 0x15d1c951 for now
#define PVR_FOG_TABLE_COLOR   0x00b0
 Table fog color.
#define PVR_FOG_VERTEX_COLOR   0x00b4
 Vertex fog color.
#define PVR_FOG_DENSITY   0x00b8
 Fog density coefficient.
#define PVR_COLOR_CLAMP_MAX   0x00bc
 RGB Color clamp max.
#define PVR_COLOR_CLAMP_MIN   0x00c0
 RGB Color clamp min.
#define PVR_GUN_POS   0x00c4
 Light gun position.
#define PVR_HPOS_IRQ   0x00c8
 Horizontal position IRQ.
#define PVR_VPOS_IRQ   0x00cc
 Vertical position IRQ.
#define PVR_IL_CFG   0x00d0
 Interlacing config.
#define PVR_BORDER_X   0x00d4
 Window border X position.
#define PVR_SCAN_CLK   0x00d8
 Clock and scanline values.
#define PVR_BORDER_Y   0x00dc
 Window border Y position.
#define PVR_TEXTURE_MODULO   0x00e4
 Output texture width modulo.
#define PVR_VIDEO_CFG   0x00e8
 Misc video config.
#define PVR_BITMAP_X   0x00ec
 Bitmap window X position.
#define PVR_BITMAP_Y   0x00f0
 Bitmap window Y position.
#define PVR_SCALER_CFG   0x00f4
 Smoothing scaler.
#define PVR_PALETTE_CFG   0x0108
 Palette format.
#define PVR_SYNC_STATUS   0x010c
 V/H blank status.
#define PVR_UNK_0110   0x0110
 ?? – write 0x93f39 for now
#define PVR_UNK_0114   0x0114
 ?? – write 0x200000 for now
#define PVR_UNK_0118   0x0118
 ?? – write 0x8040 for now
#define PVR_TA_OPB_START   0x0124
 Object Pointer Buffer start for TA usage.
#define PVR_TA_VERTBUF_START   0x0128
 Vertex buffer start for TA usage.
#define PVR_TA_OPB_END   0x012c
 OPB end for TA usage.
#define PVR_TA_VERTBUF_END   0x0130
 Vertex buffer end for TA usage.
#define PVR_TA_OPB_POS   0x0134
 Top used memory location in OPB for TA usage.
#define PVR_TA_VERTBUF_POS   0x0138
 Top used memory location in vertbuf for TA usage.
#define PVR_TILEMAT_CFG   0x013c
 Tile matrix size config.
#define PVR_OPB_CFG   0x0140
 Active lists / list size.
#define PVR_TA_INIT   0x0144
 Initialize vertex reg.
#define PVR_YUV_ADDR   0x0148
 YUV conversion destination.
#define PVR_YUV_CFG   0x014c
 YUV configuration.
#define PVR_YUV_STAT   0x0150
 The number of YUV macroblocks converted.
#define PVR_UNK_0160   0x0160
#define PVR_TA_OPB_INIT   0x0164
 Object pointer buffer position init.
#define PVR_FOG_TABLE_BASE   0x0200
 Base of the fog table.
#define PVR_PALETTE_TABLE_BASE   0x1000
 Base of the palette table.
#define PVR_TA_INPUT   0x10000000
 TA command input (64-bit, TA)
#define PVR_TA_YUV_CONV   0x10800000
 YUV converter (64-bit, TA)
#define PVR_TA_TEX_MEM   0x11000000
 VRAM 64-bit, TA=>VRAM.
#define PVR_TA_TEX_MEM_32   0x13000000
 VRAM 32-bit, TA->VRAM.
#define PVR_RAM_BASE_32_P0   0x05000000
 VRAM 32-bit, P0 area, PVR->VRAM.
#define PVR_RAM_BASE_64_P0   0x04000000
 VRAM 64-bit, P0 area, PVR->VRAM.
#define PVR_RAM_BASE   0xa5000000
 VRAM 32-bit, P2 area, PVR->VRAM.
#define PVR_RAM_INT_BASE   0xa4000000
 VRAM 64-bit, P2 area, PVR->VRAM.
#define PVR_RAM_SIZE   (8*1024*1024)
 RAM size in bytes.
 Top of raw PVR RAM.
 Top of int PVR RAM.
#define PVR_RESET_ALL   0xffffffff
 Reset the whole PVR.
#define PVR_RESET_NONE   0x00000000
 Cancel reset state.
#define PVR_RESET_TA   0x00000001
 Reset only the TA.
#define PVR_RESET_ISPTSP   0x00000002
 Reset only the ISP/TSP.
#define PVR_ISP_START_GO   0xffffffff
 Write to the PVR_ISP_START register to start rendering.
#define PVR_TA_INIT_GO   0x80000000
 Write to the PVR_TA_INIT register to confirm settings.

Detailed Description

PVR Driver Registers.

This file provides the low-level driver implementation details for the PowerVR API, including its memory map and register accessors.

Megan Potter
Roger Cattermole
Paul Boese
Brian Paul
Lawrence Sebald
Benoit Miller
Ruslan Rostovtsev
Falco Girgis